The Making of a Legend: The Story of the Top Notch NME Belt Buckle Logo
Classic Top Notch NME Logo
Craig Washington was a young entrepreneur with a dream of starting his own clothing line. He had a great idea for a brand called Top Notch NME, but he needed a logo that would capture the attention of customers.
One day, Craig was talking to his little sister, who was an artist. He showed her a picture of a belt buckle and his brand name, and asked her if she could sketch up a logo.
Craig's sister took one look at the picture and got to work. A few hours later, she showed him her design. It was a graffiti-style belt buckle logo that was simple but eye-catching.
Craig loved the logo, and he decided to use it for his first hoodie. He called it the "Classic Hoodie," and it was an instant success. The logo caught the attention of customers everywhere, and Top Notch NME quickly became a mainstream movement in fashion.
A few years later, Craig decided to give his logo a makeover. He wanted to create a new logo that would be more luxurious and sophisticated. He worked to create a new design, which he called the "Luxury Logo."
The Luxury Logo was a hit with customers. It was more expensive than the Classic Logo, but it was also more exclusive. Top Notch NME began to sell a line of luxury clothing, and the Luxury Logo became the official branding label for the company.
Today, both the Classic Logo and the Luxury Logo are still used by Top Notch NME. Craig uses them depending on the type of clothing he is creating. The Classic Logo is used for more casual items, while the Luxury Logo is used for more formal items.
The Classic Logo was originally black and white, but it was later updated to include a variety of colors. The first color variation was a blue and white version that was used for a limited-edition line of clothing. The company received such positive feedback about the color variation that they decided to make it a permanent part of the Classic Logo.
Today, the Classic Logo is available in a variety of colors, including red, green, yellow, blue, and black. The different colors represent the diversity of the Top Notch NME customer base. The company believes that everyone should be able to find a Classic Logo that they love.
The Classic Logo is a symbol of quality, style, and diversity. It is a reminder of the company's humble beginnings, and it is a testament to the hard work and dedication of Craig Washington and his team.
The Luxury Logo is a gold and black logo that features a simple, yet elegant font. The letters are spaced evenly, and the overall design is very clean and understated. The logo is meant to evoke a sense of luxury and sophistication.
The Luxury Logo has been used on a variety of high-end clothing items, including suits, dresses, and handbags. It has also been featured in magazines. The logo has become a symbol of quality and exclusivity.
Top Notch NME Official Belt Buckle Logo
Top Notch NME V2's